Here the details, schematic and notes as PDF file. This is my new hybrid guitar tube amp which utilizes a solid-state input stage, DSP reverb, and solid-state phase splitter. The amp works now but the plate voltage on the 4 EL84's are at 600v. Price (each) (excluding vat+p&p) Mullard EL84 - £83. This is a transistorized version of a typical guitar amp front end. Ultralinear circuit uses an extra set of windings in the output transformers. The power supply design diagram already provided on above I want four EL84 on each channel, because of output power and transformer choice. As Rick Spencer writes in The circuit diagram for this amplifier is very unusual for Elektor. The CDK coaxials need a little more oomph for bass than the little SE EL84 amps can give. It was just really surprising to see the "ultralinear" output transformer taps on a V-M device. Through the use of innovative, internationally patented winding technology, we have achieved exceptional electrical parameters, such as flat frequency bandwidth in acoustic range, very low THD distortion and high quaity factor. I also changed the plate resistor on the first triode. In Class AB1 a push-pull pair is capable of in excess of 10Wrms into an appropriate transformer coupled speaker load. (*) These specifications are provided 'as-is', with no warranty of any kind. BUT use caution as you would have to find a VERY robust EL84 to handle the circuits really high B+ voltage on the plates. This parafeed circuit was used in early pre-war amplifiers, and although it is not a new circuit, EL84 Single Ended AmplifierD. 25% 1W) and response is 10 Hz to 44 kHz +/- 0. 6BQ5 / EL84 tube data Key: B&W, 600x789 resolution (or slightly less), 8k-22k file size These are a little rough, but often good enough. Push-Pull (PP) EL84 (6BQ5) or 6V6 (6AQ5) Tube Amp Schematic with Dynaco A-410 Transformers. More specifically, the design of this vacuum tube amplifier is described in details in “ Chapter 6: Step by step design of a push-pull tube amplifier. 2 x EL84 push pull ultralinear in each channel. There is not many near equivalents to EL84, but there is a few. Push-pull El84 Ultralinear Schematics - WordPress. Polytone 110w (non-ic) Power Amp Schematic.

Perhaps a more inherent pairing would be a 6CZ5 (6973 sub) and an EL84. Details of the Mullard 5-20 More information on the Mullard 5-20 amplifier and circuitry can be found on this site.

The "NuclassD" 50W class-D hybrid amp using the nutube. Various "tweaks" were made until he ended up with an amp that was neutral enough to do the job, but still maintained it's character and attitude. EL84, 6L6, KT66, E元4, 6550A, 6SN7 types etc which typically command high prices when offered for sale. The schematic calls for a 130 ohm cathode resistor bypassed with a 25uf/25v cap. The 6CZ5 has some 6V6 vibe, and has voltage characteristics of an EL84. In America, this tube is known as the For Class AB1 push-pull, they show 62 mA, which for one tube would put the plate dissipation for 250 V at around 15 W, which is too high. It has a 'deep' switch to emphasize the bottom. Schematic taken from a Mullard publication.
The voltage divider I used works, but there are other ways to skin that cat.