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Pemeran film 5cm

Reza Rahardian was not physically similar to real Habibie (yet he did a very good job with his acting), and that’s why he needs special make up to make him looks similar to Habibie. Here, we have Reza Rahardian portraying B.J. See, we have lots of actors and actresses portraying real persons this year we have Nirwan Dewanto portraying Monsignor Soegijapranata in “Soegija”, or previously we have Nicholas Saputra portraying Soe Hok Gie in “Gie”. However, the great acting was not fully supported by the technicians. I saw that Bunga was trying so hard to be Ainun with her expression, but finally, it’s covered by the more powerful acting by Reza. I think it’s not that her acting was a little bit worse compared to Reza, but it’s more because the character of Habibie was so unique-with all his words, way of walking, way of laughing, and other behaviors-compared to Ainun whose character couldn’t explicitly be shown by her physical behavior. She could only know how the real Ainun behaves from third persons. More burdens, I think, were on Bunga Citra Lestari’s shoulder as she portrayed our deceased ex first lady. I know Reza did a very good approach (and a very hard trial) to act, but it’s an easier job as he portrayed real living person. The way he talked sometimes brought laugh to the viewers, but it really how our third president talks.

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His acting greatly resembled the way real Habibie behaves. Reza Rahardian, especially, was outstanding in portraying Habibie. And those tear-jerking scenes weren’t something "fake"-ly created to make viewers cry they were naturally arranged by the incredible chemistry between the two leading roles.

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That’s why I thought it’s okay if we weren’t given clear information about Habibie’s background and career, because the film took it as source of conflicts and brought it back to the backbone: the romance between the two (remember, we didn’t see a biopic of just Habibie). Although, to be honest, the development of the main conflicts was not really showed, the story focused greatly to how the couple dealt with those challenges. The purity of their love, the way they face problems that challenged their love.


Oh yes, “Habibie & Ainun” is, potentially, gonna be full of tears.

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